What if we better learn to cope with anxiety? Anxiety seems to be at an all-time high.
Let's look at some ways to deal with anxiety.
Breathe. That's a no brainer. Breathe in for a count of five, hold for a count of five, and exhale for a count of five. I am not sure where I learned that one but it works. I have adapted it further to suit me. Instead of exhaling for five, I exhale for 10 and then hold for a count of five. That works out to about two breathes per minute. Very calming.
Labyrinths. http://www.labyrinthnetwork.ca/ontario-labyrinth-locator I have never actually walked a labyrinth but have heard very good things about it. I have drawn one and 'walked' it with my finger. I definitely felt more centred. Since starting to write this post I have actually gone and walked a labyrinth. I enjoyed it and will definitely be doing it again.
Meditation. Oh, meditation is one of my best tools. I am far from an expert but know it helps me immensely. Tara Brach and Deepak Chopra are two of my favourites.
Make art of any kind but I especially love mandalas. I have made hundreds of them. I just can't stop. I find them to be so peaceful. It seems working with my hands is a kind of medicine for my mind. I am sure I am not the only one.
EFT is really helpful. It works with acupuncture points on your body. It works by calming the amygdala in your brain.
Move your body. This is super simple to do and gets the endorphins flowing. Who doesn't want some happy hormones coursing through their body?
Sound healing has been practised for thousands of years. Something as simple as a five-minute humming session can rebalance your nervous system. There is so much information out there about sound healing.
Spend time in nature as much as possible. Get your bare feet onto the grass. Lay back and look at the clouds. Take a hike with a friend for double the pleasure.
Here is a link to more resources.