What if we were to ask why me? But, not as a victim. Often when I hear the why me question it is really someone asking why are they a victim. I believe you can be a victim or you can be powerful. It is up to you to choose which. Personally, I like to reframe a story so that I come out a winner. I like to mine that story for all the good, all the lessons I am meant to learn. I genuinely believe every story has a silver lining. It may take a lot of looking to find it. If you are asking why me then you must have experienced some trauma. Whatever form of trauma it was there is a way to heal from it. Both our minds and our bodies were designed to heal. There are many therapies we can use to heal our minds. My favourite is art-making. It is scientifically proven that we form new neuropathways in our brain while engaging in art centred around healing. What a gift!