The author of The Courage to Create, Rollo May:
“The opposite of courage isn’t cowardice. It’s conformity.”
I agree. People are always telling me I am brave and I am most definitely not a conformist. When outside forces try to make me conform my backbone gets all the stronger. Some might call that stubbornness. Call it what you want. I rather enjoy having the strength of character to stick to my convictions. I am willing to change when I recognize that I need to change, or that I am wrong. I also will not hound someone or demand they agree with me.
The problems we collectively face won’t be solved by conformity. They will be solved by artists who create in the name of all of us. Sorry, I don't know to whom to attribute that quote. I don't know if my art solves any problems. At least not for the great masses. It certainly solves problems in my own mind. The mere making of art sets me free.