Tuesday, April 13, 2021

What if

 What if we start recognizing our patterns of thinking and interrupt them?  Those patterns that we have carried with us most of our lives.  The ones that truly do not serve us well.  We must become aware of them before we can change them.  Yesterday, I found myself going down a familiar path.  I was annoyed by a family member who made a disparaging remark about another family member.  I was annoyed because I love the disparaged family member very much.  I was annoyed because I don't particularly care for the one who made the comment.  I found myself making up a story about how rude this woman is.  She is so old fashioned and unchanging.  Well, how are those thoughts any better?  So, I am happy to say that I stopped myself.  I sat and did a loving-kindness meditation.  May she feel truly loved.  I repeated as needed.  The love felt so much better than the negativity.  I am actually a little proud of myself for taking the higher road.  Way to go!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Well done. And who knows? Your caring may help her.